
GAIA Conseils offers an approach tailored to the needs of companies concerned about their environmental impact.

We can help you with your business modernisation projects to improve your operational output and your ecological footprint.

The experience gained from numerous projects, combined with our LEAN Management, GREEN LEAN, and LEAN Logistic methods, makes GAIA Conseils the ideal environmental engineering company for your projects relating to

  • efficiency: energy, resources, water
  • reduction: waste, pollutants
  • circular economy: resources, logistics management

Examples of projects:

  • Development of underground container washing services
  • Adaptation of a physical-chemical treatment to the problem of micro-pollutants and PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances).
  • Introduction (launching?) of a plastic waste sorting bag in French-speaking Switzerland.


GAIA Conseils takes a modern approach to your problems, using a customized methodology:

  • Audit of the current situation
  • Proposals, concept, market studies
  • Support for project teams, managers and sales teams

This is done during the project phase, the implementation phase and, if you wish, GAIA Conseils will support you right through to the follow-up phase.


Over the last 5 years, GAIA Conseils has worked on several occasions for divisions of the FOEN, acquiring experience and expertise in the fields of exporting and importing special waste, as well as in the various aspects of the OTAS.

GAIA Conseils can therefore support you with an external expert opinion on a case relating to waste management or site remediation. This service covers several areas.


  • Rough analysis: Depending on the scope of the contract, the first step is to determine in advance which reports are relevant and necessary for the successful execution of the contract.
  • Checking the chemical analyses of the waste and the acceptance parameters of the disposal centres.
  • Weight control: types and quantities of waste entering the treatment centre (analysis of inputs and outputs), assessment of the overall balance of quantities.
  • Verification: control process determining if the requirements of the various regulations are met.
  • Financial and cost analysis of the disposal.
  • Control of aspects that may be covered by OTAS.


Projects can be confined to Switzerland, but GAIA Conseils can also support you with international projects (export/import of waste), thanks to its international experience.

Workshop xxxx le xx/xx/xxxx


GAIA Conseils is happy to share its expertise on the various waste and safety issues or to help you define your strategic priorities through workshops.

Your employees are the most valuable asset. GAIA Conseils can tailor its training experience to your teams’ needs:

  • For waste: identifying, classifying, and packaging waste, checking treatment methods and channels,
  • Setting up a call for tenders: contacting purchasers and transporters,
  • Preparing import and export notification files or processing applications for waste imports and exports.


These training sessions, courses and workshops are designed to enhance your employees’ skills and expertise on a wide range of topics, including waste recycling, hazardous waste, waste classification, notifications, logistics and storage concepts, etc.

These courses entitle you to a one year’s access to the articles (downloads?) section of GAIA Conseils, where you can find a wealth of information and ask your questions.

GAIA Conseils offers trainings on safety at work for companies taking responsibility for the safety of their employees. To do this, GAIA Conseils draws on the company’s existing requirement profiles and various certifications.

GAIA Conseils ensures that the safety points are understood and can be put into practice in accordance with the state of the art.

This takes the form of

  • Updating of requirement profiles
  • Training and coaching with role play


If you want to review and redefine your business strategy, your environmental strategy or your priorities, GAIA Conseils can offer you a workshop over several days where employees are integrated and involved in the change process.

It is not necessary to involve all employees in every stage of the process, but the aim remains to have them actively participate in the change.

These workshops can be offered to both industrial and public sector clients.

Examples of workshops held to date:

  • For the FOEN: reflection on the eBGS (electronic consignment note).




  • For manufacturers: implementation of standardised waste management (pharmaceutical industry),


  • improving economic flexibility thanks to a solid commercial base,
  • defining strategy, including strategic goals and sub-goals.




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