- Rough analysis: Depending on the scope of the contract, the first step is to determine in advance which reports are relevant and necessary for the successful execution of the contract.
- Checking the chemical analyses of the waste and the acceptance parameters of the disposal centres.
- Weight control: types and quantities of waste entering the treatment centre (analysis of inputs and outputs), assessment of the overall balance of quantities.
- Verification: control process determining if the requirements of the various regulations are met.
- Financial and cost analysis of the disposal.
Projects may be confined to Switzerland, but GAIA Conseils’ international experience means it can also support you with international projects (export/import of waste).
Die Dossiers können sich auf die Schweiz beschränken; aufgrund ihrer internationalen Erfahrung kann GAIA Conseils Sie aber auch bei internationalen Dossiers (Export/Import von Abfällen) unterstützen.